The main purpose of business custom labels and signs is to attract the attention of customers and workers. A printed sign with dull colors and a simple font may have diminished returns after years of use. Every business should look at custom labels and signs that stand out in terms of construction, materials used and color.
A business that wants to catch the eye of busy workers should use special printing on warning signs and labels. For example, the novelty of glow in the dark labels can be quite useful during power outages. Transparent signs with backlit boxes throughout production facilities are innovative ways to provide instructions in case of an emergency.
Anticipate Every Contingency with Business Custom Labels
Many businesses feel that custom labels and signs are limited to paper, plastic and low-level glass. Label suppliers are able to expand beyond these materials to create warning signs and instructions that cannot be found in other facilities. An exit sign constructed out of metal plating can withstand natural and man-made accidents, while providing guidance to the appropriate door or hallway.
The critical decision for companies looking for specially designed signs is the eventual location. An oversized label describing emergency procedures that cannot fit on wall spaces or bulletin boards is ineffective. "...A company should purchase exit signs, mechanical warnings and instructions in multiple sizes to fit on machines, cork boards and walls."
Graphic Printing Corporation has manufactured custom labels and signs since opening in 1983. The Boca Raton-based business can be reached by calling 1-800-994-3586 and faxing 1-561-993-1728. Customers who have quick questions and special needs can email the company's sales staff at